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Showing posts from January, 2013

I like Pencilanimations!

Ho scovato questo artista su DeviantArt e mi sono innamorata dei suoi lavori! I found this artist on DeviantArt and I falled in love with his works! The site   Ross Bollinger's Pencilanimation

New! Alice in Wonderland Charm Bracelet.

ITA Ciao a tutti!:) Con il nuovo anno ho deciso di dare ordine al blog e di darvi appuntamento con le news ogni mercoledì, così se siete curiosi di sapere che cosa ho combinato di nuovo saprete quando farlo! La novità di questa settimana è il bracciale di Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie , della linea dei gioielli personalizzabili. La particolarità di questo bracciale è quella di poter scegliere quali e quanti ciondolini avere , si può aggiungere l'iniziale, scrivere il nome intero o una parola che vi sta a cuore! ENG Hi friends!:) In the new year I decided to tidy up the blog and give you appointment with news every Wednesday. So, if you're curiouse to know what I'm up you know when to do it! The new of this week is the Alice in Wonderland bracelet , from the custom jewelry collection. The special thing of this bracelet is that you can choose which and how many charms have on it! You can add the initial, write the name or a word you like! I m...

The Etsy Oroscope. Aquarius.

Acquario    Aquarius Bulb aquarium with living Marimo ball  by MIDNIGHTinSEATTLE Il tuo elemento: ARIA Your Element: AIR Hot Air Balloon Print by Bonjourfrenchie La tua pietra: ZAFFIRO BIANCO Your stone: WHITE SAPPHIRE S terling silver ring with white sapphire by BandScapes Il tuo colore: BLU Your color: BLUE Blue Hearts Tree Print by TheJoyofColor Il tuo fiore: RODODENDRO Your flower: RHODODENDRON Purple Rhododendron Bulbs Photography by SmithDEIGNZ Il tuo profumo: MUGHETTO Your perfume: LILY OF THE VALLEY Lily of the valley decorative soap by Bmbxy

Weekend Meet & Greet Blog Hop #11

It's time to Meet & Greet...  Welcome back to Meet & Greet Blog Hop!  Join in, meet some fellow bloggers, greet them with comments, and grow your blog with new friends!  A big thanks goes out to everyone who comes and participates on a weekly basis as this hop grows.  We're now extending the hop for a Weekend Meet & Greet, hosting Friday nights all the way until the end of Monday.  That gives us all extra time to meet new bloggers and greet everyone!  Here’s how it works:  - Start by following the three hosts, and our featured guest! (First 4 links below) Leave us each a comment letting us know you’re following, to say “Hi!”, or answer our fun question for the week!- We would love to follow/comment you back! - Link up and add your blog to the list! Please link to your blog home page, not a specific post. And we also like to keep it family-friendly. =) - Please visit and MEET some other bloggers, greet them with a comment and ma...

The Ester's outfit!

ITA Ester è una ragazza portoghese che ama la moda, è una bravissima ritrattista autodidatta (Clicca QUI per vedere i suoi lavori) ed ha un blog che si chiama Drawing Dream . Vi mostro uno dei suoi outfits con indosso la mia parure ispirata a Biancaneve. Lei l'ha saputa interpretare benissimo con il suo abito rosso con tanto di mele sulle maniche e calze a pois! Mi piace l'atmosfera, mi piace tutto! Grazie mille Ester!:) ENG Ester is a Portuguese  girl with passion for fashion, she's also a great self-taught portraitist (click HERE to see her works) and she has a blog, Drawing Dream. I'm showing you one of her beautiful and funny outfits, here she's wearing my jewelry set inspired by White Snow. I love her choice, the combination with the red dress with the apples on the sleeves and the polka dot stockings is perfect! I like the atmosphere, I like all!  Thank you very much Ester!:) You can find my sparkle jewelry HERE and HERE ...

Last news...Meow!

Ecco le ultime novità per la collezione FantaZoo ! Il gatto siamese, il gatto Yin Yang (uno strano gatto con il muso metà bianco e metà nero), il coniglio bianco (lo trovo adorabile!), e il panda rosso. The last news for the FantaZoo collection !  The Siamese cat, the Yin Yang cat (a strange cat that is half black face and half white face), the white bunny (I think he's adorable) and the red panda. Potete trovare le collane con i gatti anche su , lo store che gli amanti dei gatti non possono perdere! You can find my cat jewelry also on , the store that the cat lovers can't miss! Vi piacciono? Do you like these guys?:) Dove trovarli: Where to find them. The Siamese   HERE The Yin Yang cat HERE The White Bunny HERE The Red Panda HERE

Color by Color. Pink.

Rosa. Pink. Femminilità, Delicatezza, Speranza. Femininity, Gentleness, Hope. HERE HERE HERE HERE

Week-End Meet & Greet Blog Hop

Welcome back to the Meet & Greet Blog Hop!  We would like to invite you to join in, meet some fellow Bloggers, and watch your Blog grow!   Note : Thank you to everyone who comes and participates each week as this Blog Hop grows. We will now be extending the blog hop and calling it a “Weekend Blog Hop”, and hosting Friday thru Monday!  Here’s how it works:  - Start by following the three hosts, and our featured guest! (First 4 links below) Leave us each a comment letting us know you’re following - we would love to follow you back!  -Link up and add your blog to the list!  - Please visit and greet other Bloggers, let them know you are following and make their day!  - Grab our button if you like and share with your readers!  - Share and invite others to the Blog Hop!  - Each week one participant will be chosen and featured along with the hosts!   The Meet & Greet Blog Hop will run Friday - Mond...

The Etsy Horoscope. Capricorn.

ITA Sono sempre curiosa di sapere di che segno zodiacale sono le persone, credo  sia un elemento in più per capire la loro personalità e i loro gusti! Se  anche voi amate scoprire le personalità dello zodiaco, questa nuova rubrica potrà interessarvi! E' una raccolta di  belle cose da Etsy per raccontare ogni segno. Divertitevi! ENG I'm always curious to know the zodiac sign of people, I think it is one more element to understand their personality and what they like! If you also love to discover personality of people, you'll like this new section! Is a collection of beautiful items I chose from Etsy dedicated to each sign! Enjoy! CAPRICORNO CAPRICORN Watercolor printing by CanyonWrensNest Il tuo elemento: TERRA Your element: EARTH Watercolor print by  Jellybeans La tua pietra: ONICE Your stone: ONIX Sterling Silver and Onix  earrings by PortugueseVintage Il tuo colore: NERO Your color: BLACK Black Dress by Sophiaclothing...

News! Your portrait necklace!

ITA Ricordate il primo post di quest'anno ? Parlavo di alcune novità riguardo le mie collezioni, da tempo ci stavo lavorando e ieri, nello shop Etsy, ho aggiunto i primi Gioielli Personalizzabili ! Sono le mie collane con il ritratto! Lo stile è semplice, un po' kawaii, super allegro e divertente! E io a farle mi diverto tantissimo perché mi ricordano quelle bamboline di carta a cui si possono cambiare i vestiti, da piccola le adoravo!...Esistono ancora? Queste bamboline sono completamente customizzabili, si possono scegliere colore e acconciatura dei capelli, decorazioni, colori, calze, accessori, aggiungere ali o una coda di sirena,c'è anche l'iniziale del nome! L'idea era nata circa un anno fa, abbozzai sul mio quaderno "degli scarabocchi" delle bamboline, aspettando il momento giusto per proporle. ENG Do you remember the first blog post I wrote this year ? I was talking about some news about my collections, I was working on them from ...

Color by Color. Red.

Rosso Red Energia, Passione, Amore Energy, Passion, Love HERE HERE HERE HERE

Meet & Greet Blog Hop

Welcome back to the Meet & Greet Blog Hop!   We would like to invite you to join in, meet some fellow Bloggers, and watch your Blog grow!  Note: Thank you to everyone who comes and participates each week as this Blog Hop grows. We will now be extending the blog hop and calling it a “Weekend Blog Hop”, and hosting Friday thru Monday!  Here’s how it works:   - Start by following the three hosts, and our featured guest! (First 4 links below) Leave us each a comment letting us know you’re following - we would love to follow you back!  - Link up and add your blog to the list!  - Please visit and greet other Bloggers, let them know you are following and make their day!  - Grab our button if you like and share with your readers!  - Share and invite others to the Blog Hop!  - Each week one participant will be chosen and featured along with the hosts! The Meet & Greet Blog Hop will run Friday - Mondays each week! ...

The Blue Bird Necklace

Ricordate questo grazioso Blue Bird postato QUI un po' di tempo fa? Bhè, non ho resistito e ho realizzato  una collana!:) ENG Do you remember this cute Blue Bird posted some time ago HERE ? I coudn't resist and I made a necklace with him! Il Blue Bird simboleggia felicità, umiltà, gentilezza! io lo trovo adorabile!! The Blue Bird symbolize happiness, humility, kindness.  I think this guy is very cute!!

Meet & Greet Blog Hop

Welcome back to the Meet & Greet Blog Hop!  We would like to invite you to join in, meet some fellow Bloggers, and watch your Blog grow!  Here’s how it works: - Start by following the three hosts, and our featured guest! (First 4 links below) Leave us each a comment letting us know you’re following - we would love to follow you back! - Link up and add your blog to the list! - Please visit and greet other Bloggers, let them know you are following and make their day! - Grab our button if you like and share with your readers! - Share and invite others to the Blog Hop! - Each week one participant will be randomly chosen and featured along with the hosts!  The Meet & Greet Blog Hop will run Sunday and Mondays each week! (Our Hosts are in different time zones. The Hop will be open long enough so each time zone is open for Sunday and Monday.)  Meet Our Hosts!   Laurie - from Created By Laurie is from Honolulu, Hawaii. Laurie creates han...