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Showing posts from May, 2012

Painting My Koala Earrings

Ecco i miei orecchini koala nella fase di pittura! Here my koala earrings during painting step!

Intervista del mercoledì-Wednesday iterview, madamaRobé

Oramai non è intervista del mercoledi ma intervista del giovedi notte! Scusate per questo slittamento ma ultimamemte ho delle giornate molto impegnative! :( Questa è l'ultima intervista di questo ciclo, poi vedrò se tra un po' di tempo riuscirò a farne altre! This week interview with Roberta Vianini  and her shop m adamaRobè , From Veneto, Italy Tell us a bit about yourself and your shop. I’m Roberta Vianini and I’m from Verona (Italy). I’ve always been a creative person but I didn’t study art or design. I have a degree in the human resources’ field and I worked as human resources trainer in several companies and training societies, I taught communication’s skills, problem solving, selling skills and how to write a CV and look for a job. Crafting was a hobby for me but there was a moment in my life when I decided to turn this hobby in my real job…and I did it! I have to say that my studies and my past job’s experiences help me very much in m...


Ciao a tutti! Come è stata questa settimana? La mia abbastanza impegnativa, tra ordinazioni, nuovi lavori e messa a punto di alcune collezioni. Come avete visto qualche giorno fa ho cambiato il carattere del titolo, ho trovato questa grafica particolarmente adatta al mio stile e ho deciso di riproporla anche sulle scatoline. Ecco il risultato. Le ho acquistate già pronte su Etsy...costruendole da sola non ottenevo i risultati che cercavo e perdevo un sacco di tempo (e poi non amo fare lavori di cartonaggio! XD) . Queste sono di un cartone molto resistente e  "ripiene" di ovatta sintetica! Come nastrino ho scelto dei filati di cotone in due varianti di colore: turchese e rosa. Mi sembrano in sintonia con il colore naturale delle scatole! Altro cambiamento: la collezione "To You" ora si chiama " FantaZoo ". Come il famoso cartone animato che le persone della mia generazione sicuramente ricordano. Credo che il nome di un marchio...

Intervista del mercoledi- Wednesday Iterview, Amabito

This week interview with Roberta Nordio and her shop Amabito , From Veneto, Italy Tell us a bit about yourself and your shop. My name is Roberta and I am twentyseven years old. I studied engineering and then the work I had to start is vanished and so I stay at home with my husband and my beautiful son. In this period at home I could know the blog world and I start to share the passion that I cultivate seen I was young: to realize handmade jewels. Very little time after I attended a course at Murano to learn how to make glass beads with lampwork technique, and then blow beads; in the same time I sperimented with metal wire and aluminium sheet. In fact in my etsy shop  you can find earrings, bracelets, necklace that I realize starting with the creation of the glass beads necessary to do the project that I have in my mind and continuing with the metal parts. The etsy shop is a collection of this passion for the search of beauty, without forget that I am an engine...

Color by color. Yellow.


Cambiamenti di grafica-Graphic Changes

Avete visto la nuova grafica del titolo? Ho trovato questo bellissimo font e non ho resistito, anche sulle scatoline farà un figurone!! Have yopu seen the new graphic of the title? I foud this amazing font and I could't resist, it will look great even on boxes!

New! Three Pearls Collection

Oggi vi presento una nuova collezione di collane. L'ho chiamata "Three Pearls" . Ogni collana è formata da tre perle colorate allineate su una collanina argentata. Il tipo di perla richiama la famosa marca Pandora, ma ho desiderato dare uno stile del tutto personale...ho modellato a mano ogni perla scegliendo con cura i colori, le textures e la finitura. Ogni pezzo è ispirato ad un tema o ad una sensazione. Farle è divertente, ma ancora più divertente è indossarle! Ecco le prime quattro in anteprima! Today I show you a new necklace collection. It's name is "Three Pearls". Each necklace has three colored pearls aligned on a silver plated chain. The pearl shape remind the famous brand Pandora, but I wanted to give a very personal style...I modeled with my hands each pearl, carefully choosing colors, textures and finishing. Each piece is inspired by a subject or by a feeling. To make theme is fun, but to wear them is even more fun! Here the preview! ...

Intervista del mercoledì- Wednesday interview, Fratuklab

This week interview with Fratuklab and her funny characters! From Piedmont, Italy. Tell us a bit about yourself and your shop. My name is Francesca, i' m a computer graphic artist and i like to create characters and funny things. I started modeling small animals when i was very young using wax that came from Galbanino cheese (a kind of cheese which is covered with a wax protection). I used to color them with watercolor crayons. Then i discovered the salt-dough, the traditional clay, and finally the polymer clay which i consider to be the best innovation of the century. All my creations start from an idea then becomes a character with a story related to it. My shop is a little corner where I can combine two things that are part of me, passion for creativity and irony. HERE Why did you choose Etsy to sell your items? Surfing the internet I came across this wonderful site and fell in love with it, it's full of...